Service Times: Sunday 10:45am, 6:00pm | Wednesday 6:00pm

God And All Things

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The eternal God and the supernatural realm

Today's post aims to introduce readers to a Biblical view of the supernatural realm. In order to begin, we must first consider the nature, attributes and identity of God. Below are a series of thoughts which serve to pull together such a consideration. May this post raise our awareness of God's supernatural power and presence. ...

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Questions to ask when in pursuit of knowing God

Today's post is a brief introduction on how to approach the study of God. Knowing God is the most important pursuit of life. This post will lay out five key questions to ask when beginning one's pursuit of knowing God. ...

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God's Divine eternity as a starting point for considering the supernatural realm

As we now come into Winter 2019, I'll teach a Sunday school class entitled: "A Biblical view of the supernatural realm". The goal is to introduce people to an overview of the Biblical teaching on eternity, heaven, hell, angels, demons and life-after-death. In this particular post, I offer a summary of the first class, which includes an overview of the course and life-appli...

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Running the Race of Faith - Defining Faith and its Actions

This post will begin surveying Hebrews 11-12 on the topic: "Running the race of faith". The study's aim is to grasp what it takes to run the race of the Christian life so prescribed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Today's post aims at defining what faith is by noting how it is first and foremost an active gift from God that translates into a reaction from man to trust in Him. ...

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The Good News About Fearing God - Thoughts on Revelation 14:6-7

We rarely hear anything about the importance of "fearing God" and its relationship to the Gospel. How can the urgency to "fear God" convey any sense of "good news" to both unbelievers and believers? The Bible's final mention of the term "Gospel" features this idea of "fearing God". In this post, we explore the relationship and relevance of these important truths to one ano...

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How the doctrine of the Trinity relates to saving faith

Today's post will demonstrate the relationship of the doctrine of the Trinity to saving faith....

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God And All Things

This is the pilot-post for my blog - "God and all things". The purpose of this post is to awaken a greater desire for God, since He is over-all and through-all things....

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