Service Times: Sunday 10:45am, 6:00pm | Wednesday 6:00pm

CELEBRATION OF LIFE: Lynnette Dirgo's celebration of life will be held here at New Hope on Saturday, 1/18 at 1pm. Bring a casserole or a pot of soup or a tray of sandwiches to share afterwards. Wear something sparkly per Lynnette's wishes!

BUSINESS MEETING: Our next meeting will be on Sunday, 1/26 immediately after the morning service. Light refreshments will be provided.

NURSERY HELPERS NEEDED: We are in need of workers who are willing to serve once a month during the 10:45am service time. If you are interested in serving our New Hope families in this way, please see Vilma Stoudt or contact the church office.

SUNDAY SCHOOL HELPERS NEEDED: We need helpers for one of our classes during Sunday School hour to help out once a month.Contact Isadore or Felicity Shedrick or the main office if interested.

2024 GIVING STATEMENTS: The 2024 Contribution Statements were sent via email this week. If you did not receive your electronic statement, and/or would like a printed copy, please add your name to the list on the table in the foyer. There is also a sign up for if you are in need of Giving Envelopes for 2025. If you have any questions, please see Adrienne Teachout.

CHURCH ROSTER UPDATE: If you would like to be added or need to update contact information, please fill out the red Contact Slip (located on the table out in the foyer) and put it in the offering box or plate. Members and regular attenders are highly encouraged to participate! You may also call/email the office to submit your contact information.

MONDAY CREW NEEDS YOU: Our regular Monday Crew numbers are dwindling so we need you to help us clean God's church! Come every Monday at 10am to help clean/vacuum and then enjoy some light refreshments.

TEAM POWER PRAYER: All are invited on Tuesday 1/28, for a special time at New Hope. TEAM Power is a group of men and women that meet monthly from 6:30-8:00pm and pray. No previous experience needed. Come and see what is happening when God's people pray. See Carol M with any questions.