Christ is First Place in Christian Faith
September 13, 2020 Speaker: Mahlon Smith Series: Life Under the Son
Passage: Colossians 1:1–8
Series: Colossians - “Life Under the Son”
Message: Christ is First Place in Christian Faith
Colossians 1:1-8
Sermon summary: Paul’s letter to the Colossians centers on this theme of: “The supremacy of Jesus Christ”, as seen in Colossians 1:18. If we were to define “Christ’s supremacy”, we would state it as: first place above all things. In this inaugural message of our new series: “Life under the Son”, we begin by considering how Christ’s supremacy (a.k.a. “Christ’s Preeminence”) works in the Christian’s faith. Why is Christ being first place in the Christian faith so important?
1. Jesus’ supremacy draws us to saving faith. 1:1-4
2. Jesus’ supremacy delights growing faith. 1:5-6
3. Jesus’ supremacy drives faithfulness. 1:7-8
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