Service Times: Sunday 10:45am, 6:00pm | Wednesday 6:00pm

Blessings of Restoring Professing Believers

September 6, 2020 Speaker: Mahlon Smith Series: Spiritual Formation Series: Christian Spiritual-Life Toolbox

Passage: Matthew 18:1–35

Sunday night series: Christian spiritual-life toolbox
“Blessings of restoring professing believers”
Matthew 18
Sermon summary:  When the Lord Jesus Christ first mentioned anything about “The Church” in the New Testament, He expressed great concern for restoring those who go astray. The neglect of calling back to repentance those professing Christians that stray from Christ results in short-circuiting Christian spiritual-life formation in the church. Many people think negatively about so-called “church discipline”.  Yet, the aim is to restore those who do damage to themselves spiritually, as well as to urge those in the church to keep close watch of their own hearts. 
1. Regenerate believers compose the church. 
    Matthew 18:1-11
2. Restore professing believers who separate from the 
    church. Matthew 18:12-20
3. Repeatedly forgive other believers in the church.
    Matthew 18:21-35

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