Getting Ready For The Big Day
May 24, 2020 Speaker: Mahlon Smith Series: Uncovering What Lies Ahead
Passage: Revelation 19:7–9
Sermon summary: This theme of “the marriage between God and His people” provides a lens through which we view the Bible’s unity. In today’s message we look again at Revelation 19:7-9 to focus attention on how Jesus is preparing believers for life in the future with Him. This message aims to convey the hope we find from Jesus’ words to His disciples. Note: Three stages in an ancient Jewish wedding: bridegroom’s betrothal to the bride; bridegroom’s building of a home for the bride and bridegroom returning to retrieve his bride.
1. Jesus paid for believers’ future life with Him. John 13:1-30
2. Jesus’ provisions to believers as they wait for Him. John 13:31-38
3. Jesus’ promise to retrieve believers to live with Him. John 14:1-3
More in Uncovering What Lies Ahead
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